An easy way to stay up to speed with the current meta, break it or simply laugh at it.

On the blue side, ROC ban LeBlanc, Renekton, Nidalee and pick Jax, Elise, Lulu, Jinx and Thresh to face off against GMB, who ban Ziggs, Ryze, Karma and pick Irelia, Kha’zix, Kassadin, Lucian and Nami.

ROC - GMB Game 1

2′ – Both teams rotate their duo in the top-lane

5′ – GMB find a kill in the top-lane, as Nami picks up FB, following a roam from AlexIch

10′ – CS count: 68-66 in the top-lane, 77-67 in the mid-lane and 64-85 in the bot-lane

10′ – 2v2 skirmish in the bot-lane between the top-laners and the junglers ends with Irelia getting a kill on Elise

13′ – Uncontested dragon for GMB, traded for the top outer turret by ROC, who choose to move around as a 5 man unit

15′ – ROC rotate as 5 in the bot-lane, find 2 kills on Darien and AlexIch and get the outer tower down. That was the last outer turret for the Poles, the map was now completely open.

17′ – ROC win a 3v2 in the top-lane, 1-0 as Lulu aids Jax and Elise in getting a kill on Irelia

19′ – Alex helps Darien in the top-lane to get a revenge kill on Jax and they barely succeed, but ROC responds with a dragon-kill

21′ – GMB want to dive Jinx in the top lane, but it goes south very fast due to the Lulu ultimate and the teleport from Jax, who manage to turn it around and kill Irelia. Roccat then rush baron, get it, but GMB decide to go in and actually win the skirmish, 4-2, as Irelia’s ress timer was very short and he managed to teleport inside the pit, just to die one more time.

25′ – With both teams roaming around the dragon pit, GMB decide to start poking the beast, get it down before Elise could steal it, but get destroyed in the team-fight that followed, 4-0

26′ – After such a convincing win, ROC have their eyes set on the mid inner turret, but they can’t really get it down before he rest of GMB collapse on them. However, the Poles manage to get themselves another 2-0 win and down the inner tower, the inhibitor turret and the inhibitor itself to boost their gold lead to 6k.

ROC screen shot game 1

31′ – Having better vision around the objective, ROC start baron and Kha’zix tries to steal it but goes down and lets GMB defend 4v5 as the baron goes down and ROC immediately push in the top-lane. They get the inner turret down and begin the siege on the inhibitor turret, with Jax split-pushing in the bot-lane

33′ – GMB finally decides to engage on them 5v4 in the hopes of getting a kill in the 3 second window until Jax would join his team, but all the members on ROC are very tanky and following a 2-0 victory in the skirmish, the Poles end the game. 1-0 for ROC and the Russian Overlords are looking very shaky, despite their renowned boot-camp training.

ROC build Game 1

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